Jenisse Photography - Utah County Family and Wedding Photographer

Mapleton Utah Family Photographer
Extended Family Pictures

This field is located in Mapleton, UT. I love this spot because not only is it beautiful, but its easy to access and close to cars. It doesn't take a lot of walking to get into the field, which makes this spot great for those who can't walk far, or for really cold sessions so running back to the cars to warm up is easy. I love this location for extended family pictures, since its so big and there is rarely anyone here.

I also offer mini sessions any day at this location! Normally mini photography sessions are only done before another full session at the location they choose. But I also do them at this location any day even if I dont have any other session booked.

Extended family pictures can be hard to coordinate outfits. Luckily, I send you an outfit guide with tips on how to do that at the time of booking! My biggest tip is to pick a few colors, like 2-3, mix with any neutrals, and let the family members choose any shade of the colors you picked. Then you will have a beautiful array of blues and greens, or any other colors, spread out and neutrals in between. This family chose orange and blue, and it goes great together!

Mapleton Field Fall Family Photographer

To see more pictures taken in this location, click here.

Book your utah extended family photographer today by filling out my online form here: Contact me!