Jenisse Photography - Utah County Family and Wedding Photographer

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In Home Lifestyle Newborn Photography
Utah County Newborn Photographer

Lifestyle Newborn Photography in Utah County

Welcoming a newborn into your family is a momentous occasion, and capturing those early days through professional photography is a wonderful way to cherish those memories forever. Here are some essential tips to prepare for a newborn photography session in the comfort of your own home:


    This is totally normal and expected! I will get candid shots of you comforting baby, breast-feeding (optional), and even baby crying - after all, that's part of newborn life! We also take time to feed and change baby to make sure they are comfortable, and then continue.


    Baby should be fed right before the session starts and fully burped, so that she will be as comfortable as possible during the shoot. Please remove any socks or tight fitting clothing from her well before the session, they leave marks on their skin for a while. Gently wipe away any eye boogers or flaky skin with a wet, warm washcloth.


    Find the rooms with the best lighting, or the biggest windows. If you are unsure, I am happy to help you beforehand by looking at pictures! The most typical rooms we use are the living room, nursery, and master bedroom. These rooms should be clean and clutter-free.


    You might consider renting a studio if you or I don't feel like your house will work for this. If that's not an option, we can always find at least one spot inside, do some outside if weather permits, or have darker/moodier pictures which still works well for these sessions.


    You can choose your favorite 1-2 images and we will try to get them. Every family and session is different. Pinterest is is a great resource but it is full of photographers' very best and favorite shot from their session, so to expect a whole pinterest board of the very best work from multiple photographers is just unrealistic and it doesn't allow me to use my own creativity during the shoot, resulting in everyone being unhappy.


    Travel fees vary based on location, time and miles. When locations are sent out, any additional fees will be included with that location so it isn't a surprise at the end.


    One of the perks of booking with me is that I send you an outfit guide at the time of booking! This will go over colors, patterns and textures to help you figure out what to wear! Im also always open to answer any questions or help you decide. I've had many people send me pictures of things they were deciding on and I've let them know if it would photograph well or if they should go with something else! Im always happy to help.

Preparing for a newborn photography session in your home is all about creating a comfortable and nurturing environment where your baby can shine. With a little planning and preparation, you'll have cherished photographs that you'll treasure for years to come.

In Home Lifestyle Newborn Photography - Utah County Newborn Photographer
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Photography - Utah County Newborn Photographer
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Photography - Utah County Newborn Photographer

Click here to see more newborn pictures.

To see more posts like this, follow me on Instagram and TikTok

Book your in-home newborn family session today by filling out my online form here: Contact me!


Mini session family photography
Alpine Loop Wild Flowers


Orem LDS Temple Sealing
Utah Family Sealing Photography


Orem LDS Temple
Utah Wedding Photographer


Wild Flowers in Utah County
Summer Family Pictures with teens


Spanish Fork Utah
Summer Family Photographer

Utah Field and Rolling Hills Family Photography

If you want summer family pictures, these rolling hills and golden fields in Spanish Fork, Utah County are gorgeous. This pretty field is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. We did this family photography session as a little mini after some
senior pictures (that you can see here). This was a great way to get in a mini for family pictures, and a mini for senior pictures.

Spanish Fork Utah County Summer Family Photographer

This utah county location for family photos is so gorgeous, especially right during golden hour when the sun is disappearing behind the mountains. This spot is right off the road and easy to access with little to no walking, however I still recommend bringing a different pair of shoes if you plan on wearing heels for your family pictures. The rough ground and weeds will make walking difficult in anything other than something comfortable. You can always bring your other shoes for pictures we can see them in!

Im so lucky that I Had the opportunity to photograph this gorgeous single mom of 5 amazing girls. What an experience to photograph all these women! The bond they shared was truly special.

Spanish Fork Utah - Summer Family Photographer
Spanish Fork Utah - Summer Family Photographer
Spanish Fork Utah - Summer Family Photographer

Click here to see more examples in this location

To see more posts like this, follow me on Instagram and TikTok
I would love to be apart of your Summer family photography session!

Book your Spanish Fork summer family session photographer today by filling out my online form here: Contact me!


Spanish Fork Field
Senior Girl Portraits in Utah

Senior Photographer in Spanish Fork, Utah

This gorgeous field is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. We did this senior photography session as a little mini after some
family pictures (that you can see here) we took with her whole family. This was a great way to get in a mini for family pictures, and a mini for senior pictures.

High School Senior Photographer

There are so many fun places to do high school senior pictures, and I think one that gets forgotten about a lot is just a field in spanish fork! The grassy field, mountain views, and gorgeous lighting gives us some great backgrounds for senior girl photos. These were taken at the end of summer, since she needed her senior photos all year for upcoming school events!

Here is a list of my favorite places to photograph seniors in Utah County:

  • Parking garages
  • Fields with tall grass
  • Seasonal flowers
  • Red Ledges
  • Your high school

Spanish Fork Field - Senior Girl Portraits in Utah

Book your Summer Spanish Fork Utah senior photographer today by filling out my online form here: Contact me!


Alpine Loop
Summer Family Photography

Family Photography in the Summer

This location is another summer family photography location staple! Up Provo Canyon and American Fork Canyon, along Alpine Loop, this place looks so good in the summer! Also stunning in the fall.

These were part of my end-of-summer family mini sessions, held in August! I was so happy there were still some little wild flowers left at this spot. There was a little field of tiny yellow flowers and were so cute to sit in.

Utah Summer Family Photographer along Alpine Loop

Summer family pictures are a great way to end the summer. The warm weather, green grasses and trees and amazing mountain backdrops will give you artwork to hang on your walls. Make getting family pictures a priority in your life so you always have beautiful images to look back on.

Amanda left me the most amazing message about her session:
I can’t even begin to tell you how wonderful these are. You do really amazing work. Everyone in our family has been saying how fantastic these are. We will be moving next year and the photos we have done with you really capture the natural beauty of Utah and how our kids have grown here. I’m so glad you do the mini sessions because they are really perfect.
These are beautiful. Thank you so much!!!"

Alpine Loop - Summer Family Photography
Alpine Loop - Summer Family Photography

Click here to see more examples in this location

To see more posts like this, follow me on Instagram and TikTok

I would love to be apart of your Summer family photography session!
Book your Provo summer family session photographer today by filling out my online form here: Contact me!


Summer Family Pictures in Utah
Provo Photographer


In Home Lifestyle Newborn Tips
Utah County Photographer

Lifestyle Newborn Photography in Utah County

Welcoming a newborn into your family is a momentous occasion, and capturing those early days through professional photography is a wonderful way to cherish those memories forever. Here are some essential tips to prepare for a newborn photography session in the comfort of your own home:

  • Choose a Comfortable Setting
    Select a cozy and well-lit area in your home where you feel relaxed and where natural light is abundant. This could be your nursery, living room, or even your bedroom. Natural light helps create soft and beautiful photographs, so choose a time of day when your chosen spot receives the most sunlight.

  • Timing is Key
    Schedule the session during your newborn's sleepiest time, typically in the morning after a feeding. A well-rested and content baby will be more cooperative during the session, allowing the photographer to capture those precious, peaceful moments. The best timing for babys age is around 2 weeks old.

  • Keep it Cozy and Warm
    Ensure the room is comfortably warm to keep your newborn cozy and content throughout the session. Have blankets, wraps, and props ready to add warmth and texture to the photos. Simple, neutral-colored blankets and fabrics work well to keep the focus on your baby.

  • Plan Outfits and Accessories
    For yourself and your baby, opt for outfits that are comfortable and complement each other. Soft, solid colors or simple patterns are best to avoid distractions in the photos. Consider incorporating sentimental items, like a handmade blanket or a favorite toy, to add a personal touch.

  • Feeding and Comfort
    Be prepared to take breaks for feeding and comforting your newborn as needed. A well-fed and content baby will be more likely to cooperate during the session, allowing the photographer to capture those precious, natural moments.

  • Relax and Enjoy the Experience
    Above all, relax and enjoy the experience of capturing these fleeting moments with your newborn. Trust your photographer's expertise and allow them to guide you through the session. The result will be beautiful photographs that capture the love, joy, and tenderness of this special time in your family's life.

Preparing for a newborn photography session in your home is all about creating a comfortable and nurturing environment where your baby can shine. With a little planning and preparation, you'll have cherished photographs that you'll treasure for years to come.

In Home Lifestyle Newborn Tips - Utah County Photographer
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Tips - Utah County Photographer
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Tips - Utah County Photographer

Click here to see more newborn pictures.

To see more posts like this, follow me on Instagram and TikTok

Book your in-home newborn family session today by filling out my online form here: Contact me!


Sunflower Mini Sessions
Utah County Family Photographer

Family Mini Session Photography

Mini sessions are quick 20 minute sessions and are perfect for those who are on a budget, or want a shorter session for their little kids, or maybe even older kids who dont need quite as many pictures. I also do a lot of baptism and birthday pictures as minis!
You can book a mini any time here

Utah County Family Photography

This location in Utah County is absolutely gorgeous with a mix of lake, tall golden grass and amazing mountain views. These pictures were taken in summer, when we still had green leaves. Since the lake is much higher this year, we have less of a beach and more of a mushy edge of the lake but we still found some really great spots.

This location has a gravel parking lot, and you do need to walk down a flight of stairs to access the beach area. Or there is a ramp if you need wheelchair access, however the area is sand so it would be difficult to push a wheelchair on it. Mini family photography sessions at this location gives us a lot of variety in a smaller area so its perfect for those quick sessions.

Sunflower Mini Sessions - Utah County Family Photographer
Sunflower Mini Sessions - Utah County Family Photographer

To see more pictures taken in this location, click here.

Book your Utah Mini family photographer today by filling out my online form here: Contact me!


Mini Session Family Photographer
Utah County Photography

Family Mini Session Photography

Mini sessions are quick 20 minute sessions and are perfect for those who are on a budget, or want a shorter session for their little kids, or maybe even older kids who dont need quite as many pictures. I also do a lot of baptism and birthday pictures as minis!
You can book a mini any time here

Utah County Photography

This location in Utah County is absolutely gorgeous with a mix of lake, tall golden grass and amazing mountain views. These pictures were taken in summer, when we still had green leaves. Since the lake is much higher this year, we have less of a beach and more of a mushy edge of the lake but we still found some really great spots.

This location has a gravel parking lot, and you do need to walk down a flight of stairs to access the beach area. Or there is a ramp if you need wheelchair access, however the area is sand so it would be difficult to push a wheelchair on it. Mini family photography sessions at this location gives us a lot of variety in a smaller area so its perfect for those quick sessions.

Mini Session Family Photographer - Utah County Photography
Mini Session Family Photographer - Utah County Photography

To see more pictures taken in this location, click here.

Book your Utah Mini family photographer today by filling out my online form here: Contact me!


Provo Canyon Missionary Pictures
Family Photographer in Utah


LDS Baptism Pictures
Orem Utah Photographer